Nino Gvetadze
Nino Gvetadze
Nino Gvetadze is managed worldwide by Leontien van der Vliet
T: +31 6 5 24 68 707
Highlights 2024-25
2 August, Mozart Piano concerto no 23, K488 in a version for piano and string quintet at Delft Chamber Music Festival
23 August, Beethoven Piano Concerto no. 4 with Phion at Stift Festival (20th anniversary) in Enschede
4 October TivoliVredenburg Utrecht: Vigh A Vison in a Dream (world premiere, commissioned by AVROTROS Vrijdagconcert)
6 October Concertgebouw, Schubert and Brahms
16 February 2025 TivoliVredenburg Utrecht Trio Gvetadze-Saeijs Bogdanovic
“This is, quite simply, gorgeous. Nino Gvetazde plays Schumann’s much-loved “Arabeske”, “Kinderszenen” and “Kreisleriana”, as though they flow spontaneously from her. Time is elastic, liberated from the tyranny of the pulse. Her intensely vocal approach recalls the principles of the Russian piano school, in that distances are measured as though sung, not through the handspan. The lyricism is exquisite, for example in the intimate close of the “Arabeske”. She is also alert to Schumann’s harmony, relishing all dissonances, and understanding their relative importance.”
“Since Nicholas Angelich’s fine 2016 recording (Erato), I don’t know when I’ve enjoyed a Kreisleriana quite so much. Filled with robust contrasts and with exquisitely sculpted phrasing throughout, Gvetadze’s sensitivity to Schumann’s vaunted ‘inner voices’ is unsurpassed.... If you don’t yet know her playing, great pleasures await.”
“The international circuit can be a cruel place for pianists if they don’t have powerful record companies to promote them, and if they are not natural media tarts, ready to give interviews at the drop of a hat. Such is the case with the Georgian pianist Nino Gvetadze, who has been overshadowed by showier but less refined compatriots who have hogged the coverage. Her new CD, with its purpose – in her own words, to brighten an hour in this year of “loneliness, isolation, and silence” – is an unalloyed delight. Its programme - including Kinderszenen, Kreisleriana, and “Vogel als Prophet” (Bird as Prophet) – coheres beautifully, and its title, which translates as lonely, has been adroitly chosen. Her manner with Kinderszenen “scenes from childhood” is sweetly conversational, and her Kreisleriana has a wonderfully relaxed eloquence. Her “Vogel als Prophet” is exquisite beyond words.”