Pieter-Jelle de Boer


Pieter-Jelle de Boer


Pieter-Jelle de Boer is managed worldwide by Rozemarijn Tiben and Fernando de Testa.

Artist Manager
E: rozemarijn.tiben@interartists.nl
T: +31 6 34 272 282

Assistant Artist Manager
E: fernando.detesta@interartists.nl
+33 7 48 25 93 63

Based in France, he has conducted many of the country’s orchestras such as the Orchestre National de France, the orchestras of Toulouse, Bordeaux, Metz and Pays de la Loire as well as Avignon and Picardie. In the Netherlands, he has is regularly invited as a guest conductor and has worked with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, the Residentie Orchestra, the South Netherlands Philharmonic and the North Netherlands Orchestra.

In the 2024/25 season, he returns to the Philharmonie de Paris with his Orchestre des Pays de Savoie, he conducts film concerts at La Seine Musicale with the Orchestre de Mulhouse, and will lead the Orchestre de Caen and the Netherlands Chamber Orchestra, among other engagements.
Highlights of the last two seasons include concerts with the Izmir State Orchestra, Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra, the Brussels Philharmonic, the Philarmonic Orchestre of Monte-Carlo, the Orchestre National de Cannes and the Orchestre Victor-Hugo Besançon.

His critically acclaimed recordings include the two violin concertos by Castelnuovo-Tedesco with Tianwa Yang and the Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden und Freiburg, choral works by Janáček with chamber choir Accentus, as well as piano works by Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and Sergei Rachmaninov.

Pieter-Jelle de Boer holds a Premier Prix in conducting from the Paris Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique, as well as advanced degrees in piano and organ from the Amsterdam Conservatoire. He is a laureate of the Antonio Pedrotti international conducting competition in Trento, as well as the international organ competitions of Alkmaar and Freiberg.

An avid composer and transcriber, he has written Ciacona, for piano solo, and Danses concertantes, for organ, brass and percussion. His orchestration of the Suite for organ by Maurice Duruflé has been edited by Durand and performed in France and Norway.

Highlights 2023

May 2023:
Film concert 2001: A Space Odyssey with the Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo

June 2023:
Concerts with the Orchestre national de Cannes and the Orchestre national de Metz.

July 2023:
Debut with Brussels Philharmonic Orchestra: Gershwin & Bernstein at the closing concert of Musiq3 Festival.

August 2023:
Concert with Gautier Capuçon and the Orchestre des Pays de Savoie in Chamonix-Mont Blanc.
Four Seasons around the world (Vivaldi & Piazzolla) with Emma Gibout & Madoka Sakitsu and the Orchestre des Pays de Savoie.

September 2023:
Inauguration of the organ of the Basilica of Saint-Quentin with the Orchestre de Picardie and organist Anne-Gaëlle Chanon.

December 2023:
Concert with the Orchestre Victor Hugo: premiere of Jean de Bruges, poème symphonique by Jacques Brel and François Rauber.



Last Saturday, in two performances, the Orchestre des Pays de Savoie opened the big book of classical music with a festive programme ending with the power of Strauss. It was consistent, perfectly linked from one score to the next, delicately performed by high-level musicians and a new direction that will certainly take the OPS towards a prosperous and bright horizon.
— Yannick Perrin, Le Dauphiné Libéré.
The pleasantly, brightly playing Residentie Orkest conducted by Pieter-Jelle de Boer.
— Theaterkrant
An important part of the drama comes from the orchestra pit, where conductor Pieter-Jelle de Boer, making his debut with Opera Zuid, leads the Philharmonie Zuidnederland with a steady hand through Massenet’s never exuberant, but tasteful and high-contrast score, bringing glow, colour and warmth to it.
— De Volkskrant
Under the conductor Pieter-Jelle de Boer, an excellent playing philharmonie zuidnederland appears to be the ideal gauge for the emotional temperature of the characters. From an idyllic glow and folk dancing pit in the first act, via Wagnerian copper echoes to full-blooded drama at the end
De Boer delivered a formidable performance. Here Massenet often sounded at his most dashing and seductive, full of passionate melodies and with a rich harmonic palette. [...] all in all a top achievement of this young Dutch conductor.
— Theaterkrant

Alejandro Cantalapiedra